he Gear Aid Tenacious Tape Repair Patches are four 7.5cm repair patch circles (two black, two clear) that instantly fix rips, holes and gashes in your outdoor gear.
The Repair Patches are:
- Peel & Stick – simply remove backing and apply to surface with pressure; no sewing skills or heat required
- Durable – ultra-strong repair tape permanently bonds to outdoor fabrics and materials including nylon, vinyl, rubber and plastic
- Washable – fabric tape is sealed with a waterproof coating and won’t peel off during a wash or storm
- Nearly invisible – with clear and black patches included, repairs are barely visible
- Multipurpose – sticks to almost any surface to repair puff coats, tents, sleeping bags and backpacks.
- 76mm x 76mm
Ditch the sticky duct tape: use Gear Aid Tenacious Tape Repair Patches to patch up tents, jackets and sleeping bags like a pro.