Headsox Australian Indigenous Art

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Headsox are a signatory to the Indigenous art code and the artist recieves 10% royality from every Aboriginal Desest Art Headsox sold.

Red Sand Dunes by Dallas Harris

This design depicts dreamtime mother earth and the shifting sands of this remote outback region of North Western Australia.

Dallas was born in Leonora, Western Australia. On completing her secondary education in Perth, she returned to Wiluna where se worked at the Aboriginal Medical Service. Dallas began painting in 2000 and her work has developed with a free gestural style, often depicting the country surrounding Wiluna.

Emu Dreaming by Raymond Walters

Wow! Emu Dreaming painted by Alice Springs artist Raymond Walters is a beautiful song line of the Emu and shows the journey of the Emu (black lines) through the desert landscape of 'Mbantua' - Central Arrente Country.  In the dreamtime hundreds of Emus travelled across the Central Australian region and Western desert leaving behind stories of enduring spirit and relationship to country.


(Dance Ceremony Sing Clan Man )
The top section represents the sacred country Steve lives on Boonwurrung Country. (Boonwuurung Country land /Phillip Island Pinnacle's Cape Woolimia to Pyramid rock)

The Clans Man in middle dances with his elders and guiding spirits...

Mid section: The journey Steve has travelled across Victoria for 15 yrs working with all our Indigenous communities teaching water safety and surfing.

Next below: All the song lines that I have crossed over on the my journey.

Bottom section: The land we walk to journey and connect with our country, ancestors, customs and beliefs.

Sea Turtle Foundation by Garr Purchase

Did you know many populations of sea turtles around the world are close to extinction?

That's why Headsox Crew together with the Sea Turtle Foundation (STF) and talented indigenous artist Garry Purchase have created this awesome Headsox design as a way for us all to give back.

STF is a non-profit, non-government group working to protect sea turtles through research, education and action. Their mission is to safeguard sea turtle populations, migration routes and habitats, and supporting activities that increase sea turtle numbers worldwide.

We Love Sea Turtles!

Martumili Ngurra by Nora Wompi, Nora Nungabar and Bugai Whoyoulter

For the artists from the Far Western Desert painting is a social activity. People come together to paint and talk, tell stories and sing. The works created are unique in that they reflect the everyday life, culture and attitudes of the Martu people. Enjoy!

Dingo Dreaming by Annette Williams

 Annette Williams who is a well established Wiluna artist and known for her precise painting style usually reflecting dreamtime stories and bush tucker images.

A number of Annette's works are held in collections including the Water Corporation, the Aboriginal Medical Service and bhp billiton collections. We are very excited by this design it resonates pure energy with a strong graphic sensibility to outback Western Australia

Karlamilyi River by Minyawe Miller

This vibrant reproduction depicts Karlamilyi River flowing past the sand hills and clay pans in the artist's country. Minyawe grew up in the Punmu area with his sister and fellow artist Nancy Taylor, and many other family members. As a young man, he walked long distances carrying only his tajitaji (smouldering stick) and his jurna (hunting stick). He ate womula (fruit) and all kinds of meat including emu giddi giddi (kangaroo), pussycat and dingo. Minyawe now lives in Punmu, with his wife, children and grandchildren, where he paints great stretches of country in a very distinctive, precise style.

Water Dreaming by Felicity Nampijinpa Robertson

Felicity Nampijinpa Robertson is a Warlukurlangu Artist who lives in Central Australia.

This story belongs to Jangala men and Nangala women. The site depicted in this painting is Puyurru, west of Yuendumu. In the usually dry creek beds are water soakages or naturally occurring wells. Two Jangala men, rainmakers, sang the rain, unleashing a giant storm. In contemporary Warlpiri paintings traditional iconography is used to represent the Jukurrpa, associated sites and other elements. In many paintings of this Jukurrpa curved and straight lines represent the ‘ngawarra’ (flood waters) running through the landscape. Motifs frequently used to depict this story include small circles representing ‘mulju’ (water soakages) and short bars depicting ‘mangkurdu’ (cumulus & stratocumulus clouds)

Wild Flowers by Tamisha Newberry

Wild Flowers was painted after school by a talented young 9 year old artist, Tamisha Newberry. Tamisha attended art classes after school at the Tjukurba Art Gallery, Wiluna, Western Australia. In 2009 the then gallery manager Heather Charlton introduced us to Tamisha's artwork. We fell in love with this happy desert art design and we think you will too!

Under the Southern Cross by Garry Purchase

We live in a beautiful country.

From the ocean and beaches to the mountains, rivers and the red centre of the outback.

Yet we as Australians both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal can't seem to find a common ground to make things work and move forward. This is a common problem for First Nations people from all around the world.

Look up at the stars. The stars were there before us and they'll still be there long after we're gone. They are the same stars our ancestors would have gazed upon thousands of years ago and they are also the ones future generations thousands of years from now will see.

Looking at the night sky is all it takes to put what we were, are and ever will be into perspective. It highlights how insignificant and petty the separatist ideology of racial prejudice, segregation and class systems really are.

Localised thinking, not just here, but all over the world is our downfall. In the end none of that really matters. In the grand scheme of things we are ALL in it together on this lonely little planet as one race, the human race.

That is what needs to be realised. Enjoy the beauty of what we have, work together, don't take anything for granted and love each other.

Chek Chek by Maureen Hudson - Chek Chek

Maureen was born in the bush at Mt Allan cattle station (Northern Territory) in 1959. This cattle station is called Yuelamu and is aboriginal owned and run today. This painting shows a recent dreaming Maureen had looking out over her land, a vision of nesting finches in far off trees inspired her to paint this song line showing the vast colony of Finch nests across the canvas.

Maureen attended school at the Yuendumu settlement in the 1960's and later returned to Mt Allan and worked as a school teacher's assistant for 3 years. Maureen Hudson NAMPINJINPA began painting in 1981.

Mikantji - Water Dreaming by Tilau Nangala 

The design relates to a place called Mikantji, an important Water Dreaming site, west of Yuendumu (Northern Territory) whose custodians are the Nangala and Nampitjimpa women and their brothers the Tjangala and Tjimpitjimpa men. The painting tells how the women perform ceremonies or inna celebrating the creation of the Mikantji site by the storm ancestors. The U shapes are women, cycles are waterholes, long sinuous lines are creeks and short curved lines are puuli or hills

Nyumannu - Dingo Place - Doris Bush Nungarrayi

This Headsox design is by Papunya Tjupi Arts artist Doris Bush Nungarrayi. Nyumannu is a Dingo dreaming site just south east of Kintore. Most of the Dingoes and their pups from this place rose up into the sky and became stars. However the ancestral mother Dingo and her pup had gone our hunting and were to tired to rise up, so they turned into large rock that marks the place of this sacred Dreaming. It is said that if you sleep in this place you will dream of the ancestral dingo puppies. 10% of your Headsox Nyumannu Dingo Place design purchase price goes directly to Doris and we reckon that's pretty cool! We thank you for your purchase!